We are…Community Nutrition Network
We are:
- The gentleman who is getting vegetables in his diet now that he receives meals in his home.
- Friends who are able to socialize at a local restaurant because the meals are affordable.
- Frail, homebound Grundy County seniors able to live in their own homes where they want to be because a delivered meal and a wellbeing check are provided daily.
- Best friends since childhood spending quality volunteer time together as they deliver meals
- 100+ volunteers, community partners, and businesses who partner together to feed Grundy County.
- The senior with no family waiting to see a smiling face and someone to talk to for a moment each day.
- The senior telling a volunteer driver that they need help plus the volunteer who comforts until help arrives
- The volunteers who visit the 105 year old woman who no longer is receiving meals, but visit because a lifelong friendship had developed when she was on the program.
- The community partners who have provided space to make monthly congregate meals possible.
- A team who has served over 15,370 meals to 1,213 seniors in our community cafes plus 15,135 home delivered meals to 146 frail, homebound seniors.
- Here to assure our seniors are not forgotten.
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