What is PADS?

We are a group of volunteers who work from 7 PM to 7 AM to staff a shelter. Four different churches host our shelters in their community spaces.
What is an evening’s schedule for the volunteers?
Our 1st shift arrives between 6:30 and 7 PM on their evening. Around 7 PM, they start in-taking the people who are experiencing homelessness (our guests). A meal is provided by a volunteer or the Coordinator picks up meals from the Morris Hospital. The 1st shift volunteers serve the meals and cleanup afterwards. Our guests will get a pad and pillow from the supply and use a set of linens, also supplied by the Morris Hospital, to set up their sleeping area. Before going to sleep, the guests will mark their lunch preferences for the next day. At 10 PM, we declare “lights out” and the guests settle in for a good night of sleep.
At 10:45 to 11 PM, the 2nd shift arrives. They are basically chaperoning the Shelter and make the bag lunches, as identified by the guests before going to sleep.
At 2:45 to 3 AM, the 3rd shift arrives. They continue chaperoning the Shelter. Around 5:30, they will start preparing a breakfast for our guests. At 6 AM, the guests are awakened and served breakfast by the volunteers. After the guests have their breakfast, they are responsible for depositing their used linens in the designated bin and cleaning their pads and pillows with a bleach and water solution. They then return their pads to the supply area and clean up their sleeping area. By 7 AM, the guests leave the Shelter with their bag lunches, which were prepared by the 2nd shift volunteers. The Site Coordinator ensures the Shelter Site is restored to its original condition for the Church and congregation.
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